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angelLearn simple and practical techniques to connect with your Angels!

Connect with like-minded souls to experience yourself as a spiritual being connected to your loving source of wisdom and support.

Discover a simple, experiential and practical approach to spiritual development. Learn tools and techniques that you can take away and use straight away to tune in and get your own answers and best direction.

When you attend the Inner Peace Movement Workshops you’ll re-discover the truth of who you are. You are a soul with immense potential, energy & power when you know how to direct it.

When you can direct your energy, you’ll create a different kind of life for yourself – the one that you really want to live!

You may have struggled to tell the difference between your own busy mind & your inner guidance; the still small voice inside. This workshop will help you discern the difference between your intellect & your inner guidance so you always know how to trust your own wisdom. Feel in harmony with yourself and your angels and learn about the abundance of support and backing that they have for you.

At the workshop you will:

  • Experience the power of your spiritual energy/aura
  • Begin to understand your life purpose and how you can unfold it.
  • Learn a technique that will help you immediately relax and be receptive to your Angels’ messages.
  • Learn about your team of guardian angels and how you can be aware of their messages. Discover how to recognize ANYTIME your angels want to communicate with you. Discover how sensitive you are to your environment and why it is essential you keep your energy vibration at a high positive level.
  • Learn the four ways you can use your psychic abilities and the keys to developing all of them!
  • Practice using your psychic sensitivity and realize how psychic you already are!
  • There will also be some time to chat and get to know like-minded souls.

International Hall, Multi-Purpose Room
Landsdowne Terrace
London WC1N 1AS
Investment £10

Contact Rosie at teamupwithyourangels@gmail.com to reserve your seat. Payment at the venue is welcome.

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