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Entities (disincarnate souls) get attached to us from past lives, family members and environments we find ourselves in.

Entity clearing (called a Trance Table in our system) allows one of our healing practitioners to channel souls that are in your energy field that may have a strong influence on your thoughts and feelings.

At these clearings the souls are then crossed over to the other-side, and you are freed of the influencing behavior $20 (two healings). A more targeted healing service to directly address strong emotional feelings and/or disruptive behavior and situations that the individual has identified will be available for those who would like this opportunity $30 (one healing), which will follow the first entity clearing.

RSVP  R e q u i r e d – p l e a s e c o n t a c t : J o h n P e a s e , john@NWMystical.com , 5 0 3 . 3 8 9 . 5 5 2 9

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