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Durango, Colorado

This 5 hour course includes personal focus and experiential learning on the chakras (energy centers that organize physical being); and how our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs influence health and dis-ease. 

  • Discover the balanced and out-of-balance state of each chakra gland.
  • Experience attitudes caused by out-of-balance chakra centers and learn to release pressure to re-establish the flow of energy.
  • Become aware of the dynamic interaction between the spiritual and physical planes as you more fully understand the relationship between your soul and body.
  • See how thinking can either block the flow of energy through your body or keep it in harmony and balance.

Fee: $69 – Payment and Registration at the event.


Presented by Wayshowers College Certified Spiritual Consultant Dorinda Fox, M.A., D.D.

Email Dorinda


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