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Become trained in the Personal Niche Profile Consultation

personal-niche-profile3Help your clients to understand the basics behind You are Energy, You are Here to Grow and Learn, You have a Unique Purpose and Thrust, You have Inner Guidance, and You are Free.

Identify energy and vibration patterns, Spearhead, Builder or Consolidator energy and Administration, Promotion or Facilitation vibration and how it relates to what you are here to accomplish.

Never before have clients experienced a consultation that enables the Bigger Picture of themselves, their life and the depth of understanding they leave with.

Purpose in life is important. What are you really doing here on planet earth? Do you feel you’re wasting your time? It’s very simple to evaluate this quickly. If you have more “ups” than “downs,” you are pretty close to your niche in life. But, if you have more “downs” than “ups”, it’s time to starting thinking and moving to the right or left, up or down, ntill you fine your niche.  Otherwise you are wasting your time.                                                              Man and the Universe, Chapter 6, by Dr. Franciso Coll

The consultant will experience the deep healing and the power of knowing energy types, vibration patterns and delve into areas of Profession, Avocation, Niche and Service that creates a more secure framework for accepting the inner freedom that we are. This well-rounded picture, within this consultation, gives assurety that needs will be met and confidences will be restored.

Prerequisites: Consultant of 1001, Consultant of one of the following: 7001, 7004 or the new Thrust Profile. Recommended 1002A.

Fee: $1300    Must preregister with Wayshowers College office at 800-336-8008 ext. 1 or 202-888-1752.


April Azzolino

Email April Azzolino for further details and your questions.

Dorinda Fox

Dorinda Fox

Instructors presenting this training course are April Azzolino and Dorinda Fox, both Certified by Wayshowers College.

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