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Mastering your ESP, Angel Communication, & Life Purpose are three of the most valuable skills you need to successfully navigate Planet Earth.


New approach to Extra Sensory Perception, Angel communication, and finding your Life Purpose.

For twenty-five years Diana and Roger Ringo have been training people how to use their esp, communicate effectively with their angels, and discover their true life purpose using the methods of Wayshowers College.

They have taken the “best of the best” techniques and insights to develop a seven hour workshop that will streamline your ability to use these spiritual living resources. Many of your doubts and uncertainties will be overcome with a new found confidence in dealing with the challenges of life.

Just image being able to trust your hunches and listen to your angelic messengers. Knowing your life purpose is similar to a lighthouse, it helps you avoid the “rocky shores” of life. Your life purpose is a beacon that guides your decisions.

This workshop will help you minimize typical pitfalls and gain mastery. It is not for everyone. It is for the person who no longer wants to hold themselves back. It is for the person who wants to live a more fulfilling and affluent life.

This is the greatest gift you can give yourself. A day getting to know yourself better and experiencing the unseen love and support from your Spirit Guides. Become more alert to the “magical moments” that occur each day, but you overlook.

Workshop content

Section 1: Spiritual meaning of your incarnation to Planet Earth – Topics covered

  • What is means being an eternal soul and how it affects your aura. Learn how you innately deflect negativity and where to find your Akashic Records.
  • Role of your True Feelings in the process of making decisions.
  • Life After Death and the three basic zones.
  • Angels in your life. Who they are and their true purpose.
  • Fundamentals of Extra Sensory Perception. Learn about the four types of esp.
  • Evolution of the soul through the seven year cycles.

Section 2: Encounter with your Angels and ESP

In this portion of the intensive you will receive a customized chart on your ESP Style and Angels.

  • Learn 4 innovative techniques for receiving practical & concise answers from your Angels. Learn how to tell when you receive information from your mind and when insights are coming from your Angels.
  • Learn how many personal angels you have for this lifetime and how each of them contact you
  • Learn how to ask questions and receive concise and practical answers from your Angels
  • Actually feel and hear your Angels at your side. Know that you are NEVER ALONE
  • Remarkably easy techniques
  • Your Angels can help you discover a lifestyle free of stress and uncertainty
  • Discover your ESP Style of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Prophecy, and Healing. Learn how to make effective decisions using your ESP Style.
  • Your ESP type helps you understand yourself and others better. Having this information will help you interact with your family, friends, and work associates.
  • You will discover how ESP Styles help explain personality differences and learn to love everyone’s individual style of communicating.

This section focuses on effectively communicating with your Angels. You will become more confident and assured with your decision making. You will realize there is a “Higher Power” that wants to help you attain a more successful and fulfilling life.

Your ESP Style will help you better understand your uniqueness and why you feel “a little different” from others. Understanding the four ESP Styles will help minimize frustrations when interacting with other people.

This section is like a booster that will increase your awareness of your ESP and ways to use your Angels. The real impact is following our system and using it every day.

Section 3: Pathways to your Life Purpose

Sections 1 and 2 establishes a foundation for who you are as a soul and how you communicate with yourself and your angels/inner guidance. In Section 3 you now start clarifying your life purpose and what it means. Your life purpose is what you have come to learn from your experiences this lifetime. Your life purpose is associated with your law of attraction and karma. Unique insights will help you take the mystery and uncertainty out of your life.

Section 4: Creating your Mindful Spiritual Living lifestyle

In this section you will learn a road-map to follow using everything learned during the intensive. The full impact of this intensive in your life depends of using the tools you learned each day. The intensive is like learning how to ride a bicycle. Diana and I provide the training wheels. It is up to you to use them so that you can glide effortlessly through the day.

Mindful Spiritual Living Intensive also includes:

  • A personalized chart on your Angels and ESP Style.
  • 30 page workbook to assist the success while at home.
  • 3 hours of practicing angel communication and esp techniques.
  • Personal copy of The Real You book. The Real You expands on several topics covered during the intensive and is an excellent reference book on spirituality.

You will never feel alone again….You can find answers and unique solutions to life’s challenges. Come and experience this fun, dynamic mindful spiritual living workshop.

Aug 5th, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm (one hour for lunch)
Illuminations Healing Arts, 320 10th Ave SE, Cedar Rapids
Cost: $175.00 If you have previously experienced the private one hour angel session with Diana or Roger, then your cost to attend is $100.00.

NOTE: A 3-month installment payment plan is available. Call and let us know if you want to use this payment method.

Class size is limited to 12 people. Pre-registration is highly recommended.
Call (toll free) 877/525-6335 or See below registration box.

Reserve your seat.

For people who have previously experienced the private angel session with Roger or Diana

If you have any questions call (toll free) 877/525-6335

Our GUARANTEE to you! Because of our experience, we are willing to offer your satisfaction guaranteed. If after using the content presented in this intensive for two weeks and you are not fully satisfied, we will gladly refund your intensive cost after returning workshop materials. We only ask you to come with an open mind and a willingness to use the workshop content in your daily life.

What this workshop will mean to you

Everyone has a “Sixth Sense.” This can also be known as avenues of perception, spiritual sensitivity, intuition, or being psychic. We all have up to 30 – 45 of these intuitive impressions each day but many times overlook them or are not sure how to interpret them. This can lead to undue pressure or missed opportunities,

There are four different types of these Sixth Sense impressions. Clear seeing (clairvoyant), Clear Hearing (clairvoyant), Feeling (sensation), or Prophecy (inner knowing). In this private session you will discover your primary avenue of perception and how it can be used effectively.

You will also learn how to use your Inner Guidance (spirit guides). Many times we need to make decisions in our lives but are unsure of the appropriate direction to take. Our Inner Guidance is there to help in this process. Their purpose is to share helpful insights but not make the decision.

Just imagine for a moment……What would it mean to you

  • To more effectively understand your hunches and first impressions
  • To effectively communicate with a team of spiritual helpers who will help guide you

This workshop will be a major turning point in your life and start removing uncertainty in you life purpose.

Location map below


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