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Imagine you are the Author of Your Life. You have the vision, you have the power, you have editing control, you are completely in the driver’s seat and steering to heaven on earth. Like a breath of fresh air to have so much freedom to live, creative, dream! Guess what? This is you and the time to stand up and grab the prize of life on earth is now. Alma Phillips and Dawn Overstreet are joining up in Daytona Beach, FL to offer you an amazing mix of tools and information to jump start (or restart) your life putting you in the roles of both creative director and artist. Every journey needs a clear vision and feeling for the destination. That begins with knowing in your soul what you truly desire your life to be. We begin with a Vision Board Workshop Sat April 7, provide you with several expansive thought ideas and facts that free you from your old paradigms on Sunday April 8, and follow up with clear steps for your new beginning on April 10 and 12. We are so excited to be of great service in creating hope and confidence in each and every one of you.


Sat. April 7—1-6 PM – Create a vision of your life through your soul. Tune into your authentic self to see what has true value as souls journeying on earth. Connect to the things that fill you with inner confidence and direction.
Fee: $45 (includes materials)

Sun. April 8 – 1:30 PM—CYCLES OF YOUR LIFE – The cycles of your life help you to understand how your spiritual journey began; gives you a picture of how they molded the way you authored your life to this point in time. With this knowledge, you can begin to sculpt and create the new you and channel the best of you into mastering the author in you that has the power to direct and orchestrate a life of your choosing.

2:30 PM—PAST LIVES – Your past lives are a preview of where you have been, the wisdom you have gathered and the uniqueness of you.  Utilize this wisdom in this present journey on planet earth. With all the sensitivity you are, understanding these experiences and how they have impacted your continuous journey to a higher consciousness, this too becomes a tool in navigating your story.

3:30 PM—INNER SENSITIVITY – No one probably told you how sensitive you are. You may have suspected in throughout your life and yet brushed it aside because you did not have the training of its natural value. You are energy. You will always be energy. There is no one quite like you. You have the ability to use this sensitivity for the betterment of your life and for the decisions that you make. Mastering the author within you means having a handle on it and the encourage to go beyond any limitations in a fearless way. You can with all the tools you need to make your story the greatest it can be. Stop ignoring the important tool of inner guidance, the feeder of your inspirations.
Fee: $10 each – Attend one free if you attended the Vision Board Workshop.

Tues. April 10 – 2 PM—Yes, there is more to your life. Find the unique you, the real you and learn to navigate through your life with ease. For each individual this is the most expanded, yet simple way to experience what it means to be a soul with a physical body. You are the most important part of your life, your journey and only you can accomplish what you are here to do for you. Break away from the idea that your life has only one way to be lived. You can understand, through this workshop, how you can be free of things that keep you wandering and replace them with clarity, direction and real solid facts based on your own experiences.  We each are here to grow, to learn and to reach an angelic state of consciousness. See clearly how this workshop can help clean the fog from your eyes and help you see the bigger picture of life on planet earth.
Fee: $15

Thur. April 12—Bring your enthusiasm, & your friends. Experience a spiritual workout session filled with tools to help you step into your life with renewed confidence. Explore your innate wisdom and author your life everyday with your unique style. Life can seem boring at times. Not at this workshop! Fully engaged in experiencing how sensitive you are, how this can work for or against you, and solutions to always be in a place of forward movement, this workshop is a must. When you truly want to insure that your life is being authored by you, you need to be more aware of how you do things now, what you are ignoring, and get on the path of real substance for what you want and need in life. No one goes away from this workshop without something, because there is something to be learned from all experiences. Three hours of energetic tools to enhance the real you. Three hours of enjoying like-minded individuals just like yourself, exposed to the same things you have felt, do feel, or have only allowed yourself to feel. Guaranteed to lift your energy to a new level. See how growing and learning can expand your awareness, your conversations and put “the weather” in the back seat because your life is so much more exciting to talk about.
1-4 PM Fee: $45

For more information contact Dawn Overstreet 540-524-0996

Workshops Being Offered
Vision Board $45.00 USDThree – One hour $30.00 USDAttended Vision Board – One Free $20.00 USDYou and Your Universe $15.00 USDStepping Forward $45.00 USD

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