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Roger Ringo Educator

Join Roger Ringo as he shares with you recently discovered insights into Mindful Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). Mindful Extra Sensory Perception will have a profound impact on your life. ESP has only be partially understood through the ages. Therefore, now is the time for greater truth.

The four types of Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) are cutting edge breakthrough secrets. They can take the mystery out of your relationships. Would you like to better understand your individuality? Do you know the real reason why you are different? This workshop will share answers.

Also there are TWO parts to your Extra Sensory Perception. Come and learn about them. You can resolve common relationships problems.

“Once I realized how the Four Types of ESP was a significant part of interacting with people, life became much simpler. I better understood myself, wife, and children. It was a life changing experience,” shares Roger Ringo.

Workshop: Mindful Extra Sensory Perception Secrets Revealed

Sat, October 20th, 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Celebration Metaphysical Center, 975 Garden of the Gods Rd, Colorado Springs
Cost: $55.00

REGISTER NOW for Seminar

Everyone has a “Sixth Sense.” This can also be known as avenues of perception, spiritual sensitivity, intuition, or being psychic. Because you have up to 30 – 45 of these intuitive impressions each day, there is a tendency to overlook them. This can lead to undue pressure or missed opportunities,

This workshop will be a major turning point in your life. Start removing uncertainty in your life. Finally, it is my most popular because the insights will help you gain deeper insights into yourself. Also better understand your friends.

In this program you will delve into:

  • How Psychic Sensitivity, 6th Sense, and Extra Sensory Perception(ESP) are similar.
  • Ways you innately use ESP each day. Also, the importance of relaxation and trust. Common myths will be explained.
  • What does it mean to be Inner Knowing (Prophetic) and trust your inner knowing?
  • What does it mean to be Visionary (Clairvoyant) and see the aura?
  • What does it mean to be Intuitive (Clairaudient) and be factual with people.
  • Finally, what does it mean to be Feeling (Healing) and have empathy.
  • Learn no fewer than Four Techniques where you will experience psychic sensitivity. Experience your healing touch and psychometry. Also learn how to use your Clairaudient first impression. Seeing the Aura will be taught. Another technique is Spiritual Cleansing of the aura.
  • Additional topics of Angels, Life After Death, Cycles of Life, and Soul Essence will complement your learning.

By the end of this session you will create a profound sense of inner peace as THE REAL YOU blossoms. Start experiencing glimpses of your unique life purpose. Most of all, share and interact with other like-minded people. Find a belonging with your spiritual family – you are not alone.

Finally, this program is part of New Spiritual Horizons community programs of Wayshowers College.

REGISTER NOW for Seminar

Also, if you have any questions feel free to contact me: (877) 525-6335

Roger Ringo
Spiritual Educator & Consultant

Location map below

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