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Join the New Spiritual Horizons Heartland Team to magnetize our futures as we share intuitions, visions, knowings and feelings!  It is another “turn of the corner” for an adventurous spiritual journey through 2019/2020.

The Venue for this is an apartment clubhouse so RSVP is required to gain directions and entrance.  Email paul@nshheartland.com or call 515-599-1104

Here is NSH team member sharing her experience!

“Ever since I was a young girl, I recall that every September, I had this wonderful feeling of newness. It wasn’t until the last few years working with The Wayshowers College that I understood that there is indeed a new energy that comes onto the planet starting September 1st. This energy is supportive for the next 12 months and it is called the “Spiritual New Year” with a unique theme that embraces the special energy.

“At first, I was a bit skeptical, but when I heard of the specific themes of  the past few years, and I looked at what occurred over that year, many    of the events went hand in hand with the theme. Now I look forward with excitement to this upcoming September 1st, and this year’s theme – “Building Pivots.”

“As this August closes, I am already feeling a shift in the energy and the preparation for the wave of a whole new year ahead.

“In Des Moines, New Spiritual Horizons of the Heartland is hosting a fun gathering of like-minded souls to help us tune into this Spiritual New Year energy with insights from our personal team of guidance. It is a great time to “take note” of what is coming up personally over the next year.

You will not want to miss this event and the dynamic insights you will receive to support all  that is coming for you.”

Teresa Shantz, Winterset IA

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