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Imagine seeing your own genius and not relying on someone to picture it for you. Picture that you are no longer bound to the opinions outside yourself, simply loyalty to who you are. Through that loyalty there is a great acceptance of your innate gifts and how to utilize them in your daily life. You are now your best healer in that awareness! It’s like falling in love with yourself in a deeper way!

Join Dawn Overstreet and like-minded folks to build the energy
of community and the world. Saturday mornings:  February 8 – February 29, 2020 10:00 am – 1:00 pm in the Annex Studio.

Live Without Limitations Everyday!

Live your life purpose, use your inner guidance, unfold your spiritual abilities; Live abundantly … always.

New Spiritual Horizons Community Group Sessions (4 Weeks)

Beginning February 8, 2020

Full series $180 – Each Week $50.

When registered by February 4, group work materials are FREE ($15 value)
after Feb 4th, price is $15, collected at first group session.


Contact Dawn Overstreet at 540-524-0996 for additional details.

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