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The Real You free talk orients you to the big picture of what is happening in your life and environment. It will re-acquaint you with who you are, where you came from, and where you are going. Learn about your life purpose, spiritual gifts, the difference between feelings and emotions, cycles of life and communication with spiritual guidance.

Experience a technique to help you shift to a higher level to stay relaxed and clear at all times. This technique will cleanse your energy to cut through any negativity or depression to feel crystal clear in an instant.

Even if you may have explored aspects of these topics previously, this presentation fills in the gaps to pull it all together.

New Spiritual Horizons™ is the discovery, study and experience of THE REAL YOU offering tools to tap into your inner guidance, your spiritual gifts and your innate abilities.

New Spiritual Horizons™ is the discovery, study and experience of the REAL YOU offering tools to tap into your inner guidance, your spiritual gifts and your innate abilities.

Are you looking for a deeper connection within yourself, with others around you and to find your purpose in life?

There is a lot of information available today on spiritual development, consciousness expansion, meditation, life after death, angels, guides etc. Reading books, listening to people talk about it and watching videos will fill you with lots of theories but the REAL POWER comes from your inner feelings, when you experience it for yourself, finding your own truth and applying it to your own life.

New Spiritual Horizons will help you to find your own answers by tapping into your true inner power.

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