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Join us and Flip Your Switch to Greater Freedom!!! FREE ONLINE CLASS will be your gateway to a one-minute miracle.

There are four classes, not just one. My friends and I will be hosting the Tuesday evening class at 6pm PST.

Tuesday, May 5th, 6:00 pm (Pacific Standard Time Zone) With April & Friends,Sondra Kellogg and Richard Lassiter,  International Spiritual Educators from Wayshowers College

Learn More & Registerhttps://newspiritualhorizons.com/free-lesson3/
Quickly transform from stress to inner peace. Learn how to let go of daily pressures. Use your innerPOWER to create your life the way you WANT and NEED.

Change does not need to be daunting. All you need are a few uplifting insights and simple techniques.

Your creative spirit will help you find practical solutions to be the COMMANDER of your journey.

Reducing stress is the first step towards lasting inner peace.

Everyone needs advanced insights and techniques to “flip the switch” and reclaim their freedom.

Being free is learning how to navigate limiting concepts. It is also rising above social influences.

Join us for a Free Online Class.

 Experience three dynamic techniques you can use each day to maintain your sense of free will.
 Become an unshakable pillar of strength.
 Reclaim your inner joy as you acknowledge the true potentials of each day.
 Become immune to negative influences that want to create discouragement.
 Rise above limitations created by the current pandemic mania. Discover how to navigatebarriers.
 Radiate healing energy that transforms the world and people around you.
 Learn time-tested methods that shift your wishes and hopes to fulfill reality.

Date: May 5th in joining April
Time: 6:00 pm PST
Learn More & Register: https://newspiritualhorizons.com/free-lesson3/

This is one Online Class you will experience more of living your inner freedom.

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