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Join April with few of her  New Spiritual Horizons friends at 10:00 am PST Wednesday August 5th or choose another time with a few of her friends that is right for you. Either way is perfect!!
Join us for a Free Online Class August 4th, , 5th , or 6th and find solutions for successful living. Be a part of an online spiritual community that is making a difference everywhere.

Learn more and register here: www.newspiritualhorizons.com/free-lesson5/

Are you ready to let go of worry, fear, and the stress of living from the unknown? Attend our class and start making changes immediately.

New Spiritual Horizons Online Classes will help you learn how to use your Intuition, discover your Life Purpose, and discover your Higher Power.

These three areas guide you to the flow in the middle of the stream.

This is an opportunity in living well and seizing your personal soul’s growth.

Important insights and techniques you will experience:

 You are an empath whether you realize it or not. Experience a technique where
you will feel your aura and its unique frequency.

 Also experience a unique technique for energizing your aura. This will help buffer
you from anxiety of other people.

 Become immune to negative influences that want to create discouragement.

 Discerning your true feelings vs emotions and how to stay authentic to your truth.

Misunderstanding in this area creates anxiety and doubt.

 Learn how to strengthen the 7 Chakra Centers for improved physical and mental health.

 Become a positive healing influence for loved ones and friends.

Become an example of a solution-oriented person.

 Uniting your healing energy with a team of master spiritual healers to uplift and cleanse your world environment. There is a lot going on in the world that can pull on your peace of mind at this time.

Allow yourself to let go of the endless loop of anxiety and fear in this New Spiritual Horizons On-line Class now.

Free Online Classes: August 4th , 5th , and 6th . 10:00 am Pacific Time Zone or 8:00 pm Eastern Time Zone
Learn more and register here: http://www.newspiritualhorizons.com/free-lesson5/

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