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The clamoring of requests for online seminary courses has been heard and we are responding.  We will be holding a series of online courses offered monthly.  The first course is Trust: A Way of Life – which is course #691.

Key Facts:

Who – PCCI International and Wayshowers College are Offering

What – Online Course – Trust: A Way of Life (Course 691)

When – Saturday August 22 – 3pm-6pm Eastern US (New York) Time

Where – Online – Link Provided after Registration

Why – To meet the needs of PCCI Affiliates and the Public to Learn and Grow

How – see registration links below

You may register on Facebook using the following link -> PCCI Event Link or

Copying and pasting the  following link into your browser:  https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wassenbergma?locale.x=en_US

Another way to register is to contact the instructors:

Rev. Mary Anne Wassenbeg email at ma@wassengberg.com

Rev. Kathleen Ellis email at Kellis4peace@gmail.com




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