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A Near Death Experience

From a Catastrophic Automobile Accident A Seminar hosted by The Inner Peace Movement International

Several years ago, successful Australian Engineer, John Shortell was involved in a catastrophic car accident, which doctors and surgeons did not expect him to survive. He suffered life threatening internal injuries including substantial damage to his lungs. The emergency room prognosis for John, if he were to survive, was that he would lose three quarters of his lung capacity and need oxygen for the rest of his life.

Remarkably, by working spontaneously with his Spirit Guides or Angels in a traumatic dream state, John healed himself from within and walked out of the hospital three days later completely recovered from his injuries!

John Shortell will share this experience, utilizing techniques he learned from the Inner Peace Movement, in a seminar titled “Spiritual Awakening, Understanding the Changes in Our Lives.” This seminar will include practical techniques for connecting with one’s own team of Spirit Guides or Angels to gain a deeper understanding and trust for our intuitive abilities, i.e. hunches, gut instinct, visions and healing to receive needed inspiration in every life situation.

Presentation: September 26th 7:30 – 9:00 pm, $20

Workshop: September 27th 7:00 – 10:00 pm, $40

Location: Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Columbia Room, 1401 SW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR 97201 503.226.7600

John Shortell is a member of the IPM International, Inc. Board of Directors (www.ipminternational.org), an educational not-for-profit organization.

Any questions or concerns please contact: John Pease, 503.869.9104, www.NorthWestMystical.com

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