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Angel Encounter Workshop

Receive enhanced instruction with your own personal 30-page Angel workbook for your continued growth. Never doubt your decisions again!

Throughout the ages, people who could tap the “Wisdom of the Universe” for insights and personal assistance were considered gifted or as having a special relationship with God.

Everyone is gifted! Each of us can experience a special relationship with the All. Everyone has angels, and everyone can communicate with them!
The program includes:Workbookaew

A private Orientation Profile with an ALC Certified Consultant in which you descover how you use your spiritual abilities of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling; how many Angels you have working with you and how you are using your energy on a daily basis.The 34 page Connect with Your Angels Workbook

All the techniques and training you need to continue to refine your spiritual sensitivity, discernment and psychic abilities.

$125 ($60 – If you had your angel Profile bring it with you.)

To pre-register: 201-896-399

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