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The Real Me: A Spiritual Being

Join Melissa Kitto for an experiential workshop to find your souls’ purpose and develop your intuitive energy.

Re-discover the truth of who you are. You are a soul with immense potential, energy and power when you know how to direct it. When you can direct your energy, you’ll create a different life for yourself – the one you really want to live!

Empower yourself with the tools to tap the wisdom within you for Clarity on the Next Steps in your Life’s Purpose.

In this workshop you will:

• Release Fear of Success that prevents you from living your unique life purpose.

• Learn to Trust your first impressions that lead to your success.

• Understand the Real You – A spiritual being

• Gain insights into what you have come to do this lifetime and the next steps in your life’s direction.

• Experience a Love Feast – healing with words.

• Receive intuitive Guidance on how to be more successful.

• Develop your Clairaudient Sensitivity through the Intuitive Impressions Technique.


To register for this class call Sacred Circle Books at 703 299 9309 to reserve your place. Call by Thursday February 15th for $60 pricing, last minute registrations will be $70. Seating is limited, so be sure to register early!

This workshop is part of the New Spiritual Horizons movement of the Wayshowers College. New Spiritual Horizons is an opportunity to expand your intuitive power, connect with your inner guidance/angels and grow spiritually. Through self-discovery, energy techniques and sharing you will grow your confidence, inner wisdom and increase your intuitive gifts.

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