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Presented by Kristina Coll & Roger Ringo
Master Communication Consultants

Learn a new approach to effective spirit communication

For over 30 years, we have been mentoring people, just like you, how to communicate with their inner guidance during the Connect With Inner Guidance Workshop.

The ideas and techniques in this workshop are effective and they work. We know they do because they work for us. We have perfected our training methods through using them in all areas of our life. Including family relationships, raising two sons, and our professional careers.

The insights and techniques we are teaching will help you be a better listener to your own hunches and inner guidance.


This is the greatest gift you can give yourself. A day getting to know yourself better and experiencing the unseen love and support from your Spirit Guides. You have a personal team of angels who desire to connect with you more. The challenge is listening to the “still small voice within.”

In this workshop you WILL establish a clear, direct, two-way communication with your Spirit Guides. This incredible ability will enrich your life. Never doubt your decisions again. Learn breakthrough methods to open a closer connection with your angels.

Contemporary insights into angels in your life

Many people cannot relate to commonly accepted ideas about angels that are based on traditional religious teachings and biblical references. Every culture tries to explain the “still small voice within” guidance the best it can. The understanding and awareness of angels is an evolving process and every generation builds upon the previous.

This workshop is unique, innovative, and it works. It combines Inner Guidance Communication and Extra Sensory Perception to help you start finding answers and personal security.

During this intensive workshop

  • Learn 4 innovative techniques for receiving practical & concise answers from your Angels. Learn how to tell when you receive information from your mind and when insights are coming from your Angels.
  • Discover your ESP Style of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Prophecy, and Healing. Your ESP type helps you understand yourself and others better. Having this information will help you interact with your family, friends, and work associates. You will discover how ESP Styles help explain personality differences and learn to love everyone’s individual style of communicating.
  • Learn how many personal angels you have for this lifetime and how each of them contact you
  • Learn how to ask questions and receive concise and practical answers from your Angels
  • Actually feel and hear your Angels at your side. Know that you are NEVER ALONE
  • Remarkably easy techniques
  • Your Angels can help you discover a lifestyle free of stress and uncertainty

This workshop will have you effectively talking with your Angels before you leave. You will become more confident and assured with your decision making. You will realize there is a “Higher Power” that wants to help you attain a more successful and fulfilling life. The Angel Encounter Workshop is unique, innovative, and it works. A lifestyle of using your Angels and ESP Style will help you start finding answers and personal security.

Angel Encounter Workshop includes:

  • A personalized chart on your Angels and Intuition Style.
  • 30 page workbook to assist the success while at home.
  • 3 hours of practicing angel communication techniques.

You will never feel alone again….You can find answers and unique solutions to life’s challenges. Come and experience this fun, dynamic angel workshop.

Sun, November 24th, 9:00 – 3:00
Inner Space – Des Moines, 1251 Keosaqua Way
Cost: $200.00
Class size is limited to 12 people. Pre-registration is highly recommended.
Call 515/996-0043 See below registration box.

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If you have any questions call 515/996-0043

What this workshop will mean to you

Everyone has a “Sixth Sense.” This can also be known as avenues of perception, spiritual sensitivity, intuition, or being psychic. We all have up to 30 – 45 of these intuitive impressions each day but many times overlook them or are not sure how to interpret them. This can lead to undue pressure or missed opportunities,

There are four different types of these Sixth Sense impressions. Clear seeing (clairvoyant), Clear Hearing (clairaudient), Feeling (sensation), or Prophecy (inner knowing). In this private session you will discover your primary avenue of perception and how it can be used effectively.

You will also learn how to use your Inner Guidance (spirit guides). Many times we need to make decisions in our lives but are unsure of the appropriate direction to take. Our Inner Guidance is there to help in this process. Their purpose is to share helpful insights but not make the decision.

Just imagine for a moment……What would it mean to you

  • To more effectively understand your hunches and first impressions
  • To effectively communicate with a team of spiritual helpers who will help guide you

This workshop will be a major turning point in your life and start removing uncertainty in you life purpose.

Location map below

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