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A Wayshowers  Community Fellowship 4-Day Retreat

Experience an exciting 4-day Wayshowers Community Fellowship (WCF) Retreat — Each day, enjoy inspirational techniques, music, art, yoga, healing arts, and content-rich Family World courses including The Energy Motivator and finding solutions for The Challenge of The Adult Years. The Operation Action Youth Program will be involved in the retreat , so bring the whole family. As a leader, you will have an expanded spiritual toolkit of networking activities and content to share with your community.

Operation Action (OA)

The OA Youth Program provides a high-energy, fun, interactive experience for those “old souls” ages 0-21, providing many opportunities for them to work with their sensitivity, creativity and inner guidance. They are backed to develop their own inner authority, self-respect and leadership from within!
This is full retreat that will have special pricing for the entire four days and by the day. Details to come.

Retreat Schedule – July 13 – 16

Each day:
7-8 am: Morning Meditation – Start each day with different holistic practice (Yoga, QiGong, singing, & nature walks)
9 am–12: Family World Course
1–6 pm: Workshops to explore networking, healing & guidance techniques, creative arts & community fellowships.
8pm: “The Art” of Regrouping My Day (Holistic healing, journaling, creative wrap-up)
9pm: Celebrating My Day – Creative Fellowships

July 13 and 14, 9am – 12noon
Course 8822: The Energy Motivator – Expand your free-flowing communication with your guidance and gifts that will diffuse pressure. Experience action packed techniques that empower your child-like, true feeling nature to make your life an adventure of smooth, enthusiastic success! Empower yourself to Feel-Think-Act outside-the-box! Prereq: none

July 15 and 16, 9am – 12noon
Course 8834: Challenge of the Adult Years Understand more clearly your unique purpose. Take a look at the seven-year cycles of life and regroup your life – no matter what age you are. Discover an important concept or habit from your first seven-year cycle that has neutralized you and cut off your creative outflow. Find solutions that can heal that and expand your inner freedom, security and zest for life! Prereq:  none

Also Available:
Course 8839: Inner Security In New Situations Look into your past to see how you learned to worry, hesitate or withdraw. Find ways to tune in to confidence and tune out pressures that may stimulate doubts or fears. Heal concepts which limit your security in unfamiliar situations. Prereq: none

4-Day Retreat – $450 (Adults) $350 (Seniors/ under 21 years)
Preregister by July 1 and receive a $50 discount

Daily rate – $125 (w/Family World course) $75 (Workshops 1 pm – evening)
The daily rate includes dinner.

This 4 day retreat is being offered at the Wayshowers College Keystone Camp 2018. To learn more about Summer Camp, CLICK HERE.

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