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Life moves in cycles of about 7 years, our bodies renew themselves in that time and spiritually each of us gets a new syllabus for the themes we will be working with. The early years zero to seven are intrinsically linked to our state of consciousness. It’s through understanding that the Christ Consciousness within can shine the Good, Kind, Loving part of into present daily life.
What to expect in this 3 hours online course:
***Gain a deeper appreciation for your early in life experiences and the relationship with your state of consciousness of yesterday, today and the future.
***Work with energy techniques to heal your first church through spiritual understanding of yourself.
***Have opportunity in a secure space to observe some of your parent’s concepts that may prevent you from being your unique self.
***Craft your Three Trees to allow unconscious patterns to emerge affecting your state of consciousness.
This course is a Wayshowers College Course in the Religion and Philosophy Department, Course 695. The College serves as a seminary for Peace Community Church International (PCCI). The instructors are Vonnie Owens a Master in PCCI and Amanda Jackson a licensed student with the church.
Join us for a this live online 3 hour course!
Materials you will need: Make sure you have a box of crayolas, markers or color pencils, and paper.

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