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Being involved in your spiritual growth to attain greater happiness,inner peace, and fulfillment with your everyday life. Exploring the 5th dimension and the unconscious mind helps a individual tune into their inner sphere.

Are you reaching your spiritual goals?

In this workshop learn to effectively:

  • Keep your aura clear, positive, and constructive
  • Unfold your spiritual potential
  • Understand the balance of relationships or out-of balance aspect
  • Experience your spiritual freedom while living in a complex society
  • Go beyond into other dimensions without being influenced by dogma,theology, or religion

Focus on communication with the higher spirit. Learn “Being” with a fine, uncolored vibration of communication-the-crystal clear part of you. Through the practical,hands on exercises in this workshop you will experience Unlimited Astro Soul:

  • Learn to put trust in your hunches and impressions
  • Gain insight into your inner-hearing, inner-seeing,inner-knowing, & inner-feelings.
  • Develop your spiritual gift of psychometry.
  • Refine your Clairaudient gift.
  • Experience Astro Travel. Realize a tremendous sense of inner security.

Refine your inner beam of light to the intensity of a laser that will cut through negativity or tension. Shield your self from stress in the environment.

Bring a journal/pen and a small object to class.

Sign Up Early at Eclectic Reikiology Metaphysical Center By March 15,2017 and receive the class at $55.00 after 3/15/18 the investment is $65.00

April Azzolino,www.aprilazzolino.com is a Spiritual Educator/Coach/Angelic Communications/Trance Control with Wayshowers College, a wayshower’s college of personal spiritual development.

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