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This unique healing service is provided by certified trance healers from the Wayshowers College – Department of Astro-Soul. It acknowledges the unique lifetimes path of the soul, and the presence of inner guidance that helps assist every soul on its journey.

Each 10 min. Trance Table Healing clarifies the influence of two different souls who have passed on. It includes:
• clarification of why the soul is around you and the situation providing the link.
• how the person (receiving the healing) has been influenced (what is me and not me!)
• directing the soul to disconnect from you and to move forward with their Spirit guides/Angels/Helpers to spiritual freedom and healing tips to keep your aura clear.

The session starts promptly at 7pm so arrive a few minutes early.

You may observe for the first time without charge. Everyone receives a healing by just being present. For individualized 10-min. healing – $20. May have more than one, if time permits.

RSVP is required.

For more information, and to RSVP call Dr. Paul Kellogg at 515-599-1104 or email pkellogg1@gmail.com



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