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Why Your Intuitions ARE NOT Working. Tips to unchain your Intuitive Powers revealed in online class.

Attending this class will put your intuitive powers on-line. They will give answers that have been
eluding you. Time tested methods will flip on your “happy switch” and relieve the pressures of

Rediscovering the Real You will answer “What do I do now?” Put your energy of immense potential in
motion with lively purpose. Do not hold back. It is time to boldly take charge!

10 Classes over 5 days with top shelf Intuition Educators. More here:

Intuition-the Key to My Life Purpose and Inner Peace

During the class
 Experience the power of your spiritual energy/aura.
 Learn about your team of guides and how you can be aware of their messages. Discover how to
recognize ANYTIME your angels want to communicate with you.
 Begin to understand your life purpose and how you can unfold it.
 Learn a technique that will help you immediately relax and be receptive to your Angels’
 Discover how sensitive you are to your environment and why it is essential you keep your
energy vibration at a high positive level.
 Learn the four ways you can use your psychic abilities and the keys to developing all of them.
 Practice using your psychic sensitivity and realize how psychic you already are!
Dates & Time Investment $15.00
May 12, 1:00 pm or 9:00 pm (Eastern)
May 13, 1:00 pm or 7:00 pm (Eastern)
May 14, 1:00 pm or 9:00 pm (Eastern)

May 15, 1:00 pm or 7:00 pm (Eastern)
May 16, 1:00 pm or 7:00 pm (Eastern)
Learn More;

Register:  https://newspiritualhorizons.com/inner -peace
This is one Online Class you will desire in attending. Empowering Your Life Forward!

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