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During a time of disturbing news and chaos, it is exciting to learn about yourself. Have you wondered, “Is this all there is to life?” Well, no, there is more, a lot more.

New Spiritual Horizons is pioneering a new method of spiritual development that is gathering interest everywhere. Join us and lighten your spirit as you find answers that have eluded you for a long time.

In this online class, you will learn powerful and practical spiritual tools to strengthen your intuition and self-confidence. Discover insights about your life purpose. Why you are here and what part you have come to play on Planet Earth.

Join us for a ninety-minute session that will lighten your spirit. Experience techniques to use every day. New Spiritual Horizons Educators can help you begin your journey.

Registration link: https://newspiritualhorizons.com/step-1/

Additional Topics covered:

• There are four types of intuition or Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). Learn the significance of Inner Knowing, Visions, Intuition, and Healing. You will be surprised how it helps with relationships.

• The role of Spirit Guides/Angels in your life and ways they want to help you. The “still small voice within” of your angels are a resource for helpful insights.

• Important insights are revealed about your Life Purpose. Your Life Purpose always comes from the heart and not your head.

• Create a stronger aura and minimize negativity.

• What is Inner Loyalty and why it is important. Inner loyalty is a strong belief in yourself. In what you know to be true.

Our Spiritual Development Classes are a step by step process. There are three steps that create a solid foundation for your spiritual evolution. Intuition, Spirit Guides, Life Purpose: Inner Peace Mastery Class is Step 1.

Finally, you will meet other like-minded people on a similar journey.

August 18th, 12:00 pm or 6:00 pm CT
August 19th, 12:00 pm or 7:00 pm CT
August 20th, 12:00 pm or 8:00 pm CT

Duration: 90 minutes Registration Fee: $15.00

Learn more and register at: https://newspiritualhorizons.com/step-1/

Paul Kellogg



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