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New Spiritual Horizons Spiritual Development Classes will help you

Become a master of your Soul Energy
Neutralize negativity that wants to affect your life.
Meet other like-minded people

Come and attend our Get Acquainted Meeting and experience what our community based classes can do for you. Current class members have shared how important it has been to meet with a spiritual family who want to learn and grow with each other.

New Spiritual Horizons Get Acquainted Meeting

Sat, Jan 12th, 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Unity Center, 414 – 31st St, Des Moines
No charge for this meeting 

People who participate in our community classes

  • Learn how to trust their hunches more.
  • Discover a deeper awareness of their life purpose.
  • Experience effective angel communication.
  • Unfold your 6th Sense and ways to use it each day.
  • Become a healing influence in your community.
  • Learn meditation and other relaxation techniques.
  • Finally, you will have a spiritual mentoring system you always dreamed of. 

Attend the upcoming Get Acquainted Meeting and start unfolding your innate spirituality.

Learn more about New Spiritual Horizons community classes HERE

Also, if you have any questions feel free to contact me: (877) 525-6335

Roger Ringo
Spiritual Educator & Consultant

Location map below

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