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Tiger Coll’s New Jersey Tour

Experience The New Spiritual Horizons Calendar – A way to go deeper each day in your life to experience more of the richness that Spirit has to offer..

Of the great creativity in this Program that has emerged in the last decade, this workshop is probably the most fun.  It clears away things that can get in the way of you doing your life purpose; no excuses after this.   It helps you make tangible, the energy of the Real You in your routines and projects.   Its a return, and maintenance, of great depth within and in what you involve yourself.

In this two day workshop you will review all your basics spiritually, from cleansing to healing to manifesting, and more.  The energy is kept moving but goes deep for personal insights and needs. You will review both spiritual and material goals.  As a team you will get insights and projections to help you be successful in those goals.

As part of investing in this workshop you receive a gift of three months of the ‘Evolution Calendars.  Within them are auspicious times to build and work with your Gifts, Leadership and core spiritual concepts.  You will also (literally) walk-through these calendars, week by week, as a class; experiencing each week’s the energy and utilising it to fulfill your goals.

The insights are practical and profound.  Retreat inward to regroup and energize at this weekend full of expansion and healing.

$180 for early registrations(1 week ahead), regular cost $200 for the weekend.
Call the office to register 1-800-336-8008 or click below:

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