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Do you wish you had a greater sense of vision to your life?
More energy?
A greater connection to the people around you?
Or do you simply feel ready for “something more”?

Join us for a powerful day of New Spiritual Horizons program:
A dynamic and effective personal development program developed by the Wayshowers College, a 50 year old spiritual college based in the U.S.
This 9 hour workshop is filled with content to accelerate your growth and release old concepts or habits that no longer work for you.

It is designed to assist you to release fears, be in harmony with your environment, and feel good about being you!
You will develop direction, enthusiasm and a buoyant sense of optimism that everything is all right.

In this workshop :

  • Gain a big picture understanding of your purpose here on
    Planet Earth.
  • Receive tools to tap into your inner guidance.
  • Discover your natural psychic abilities (all of them)
  • Develop self-understanding and self-respect.
  • Find balance in your life.
  • Learn tools to master your energy! You are a creator!
  • You will experience powerful energy techniques, deep sharing, and the depths of who you really are.

Included is the Submersion Workshop 57 page workbook with the program’s content and 16 techniques you can use to continue to expand your spiritual development in your daily life.

For more info and to reserve a spot please contact Teresa Navarro (850)339-5599 or email her.

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