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Starts Mon., Oct 24, 2016 – 4 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST) –  7 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Benefits and outcomes of this technique series:

  • Making clear angel communication a way of life                                                                                              
  • Learning meditation techniques for meditation made simple                                                                            
  • Healing yourself through understanding                                                                                                          
  • Finding direction in your life’s purpose
  • Establishing your feelings of belonging
  • Unfolding your gifts of clairaudience, clairvoyance, prophecy and feeling
  • Discovering inklings of where you come from, where you are going and what you are doing here
  • Overcoming doubts
  • Understanding your crystal clear motives to connect clearly with your good positive energy, your true genius and team of angels. 

This program is not a discussion group, but an active, weekly program that leaves people feeling energized and renewed, with new information about themselves and their spiritual and material direction.

Fee: $12.00 (US dollars) per session.

Prerequisite: Participants need to have attended at an Exploring Inner Dynamics Workshop, or other IPM workshop or course.

Note: If you have not had these prerequisites they are scheduled in certain communities or on-line.

This series is being facilitated by Patrick Kilhenny and Estelle Small, both trained and certified by Wayshowers College

Estelle Small

Estelle Small

Patrick Kilhenny

Patrick Kilhenny

To find out more and Register – EMAIL Estelle

or call 917-328-8950 (dial 001 if you are outside North America).

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