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2017 International Regrouping – February 1-8, 2017

Le Taha’a Island

As we move into the Spiritual Year of ‘Refined Actions‘, the energy which Guided the International Regrouping to the Island of Le Taha’a, breathes the feeling of this theme. This refined and peaceful environment is a reflection of the abundant wisdom we gather with as we regroup and advance, personally and spiritually, never wavering in the one mission of inner freedom for all.

This special energy we are in now is one of defining and refining. We are being guided and eased into the Age of Loyalty to Self. We have invested a whole ‘Age’ into recognizing there is a Bigger Picture. We now accept that bigger picture, and it is a part of us. Another way to share this is, The Practice of Being One-With-All (not theory).

This is a step up in consciousness for many in our society. Living life from external controls, such as competition, glory and devotion, are many times rewarded. Living life from the ‘inner’ (loyalty-to-self) is a powerful and significant shift in vibration; however, it is not always encouraged.

Take a moment to feel and understand what is involved for someone to shift their energy from living based on the outer, to living from the inner. Isn’t that where it began for you? Just some interest from someone is all it takes to start the water flowing from that higher tap.

But first comes a little……..Transition! There is a tremendous ‘Intellectual Rebellion’ that gets stimulated when Freedom is exposed to the individual. It is eye-opening to understand that some people are afraid of freedom. They are used to being taken-care-of, or use to taking-care-of others. There is a very large difference between ‘Backing‘ people and ‘Saving‘ people. One builds and inspires ‘Service” while the other builds and inspires ‘Servants‘.

As Wayshowers, part of our opportunity is to help free people. We do not have to go out of our way to do it, nor do we need to suffer in the process. That would not be setting a very good Example. All that is necessary is to be committed; share when the opportunity is there and then move on.

The greater respect you have for your time and energy, while being of service to people, the closer you are to doing what you’ve come to do. A simple way to communicate this is, “I am here to help you help yourself”. As they do, they feel the divine within. It is the power of multiples; the feeling of Affluence.

I share this with you so you can feel the strength and power that is coursing through now. If you haven’t already felt it, you will. You may feel inspirations and potential that was not there, you may see a way to accomplish big and little goals, you may feel it as ‘pressure’ to achieve your goals, you may even experience the feeling of sabotage when you are ready to move forward.

Regardless of how you are experiencing it, it is energy for you to utilize (not be ‘used’ by it). Harnessing this energy, as well as Rallying your own, is the charge and mission for this year. And when you do, everyone benefits.

This 2017 International Regrouping will begin with all the basics of spiritual freedom and expand and evolve into your renewed you. By now you are aware of your own continuity. This program, while including all the foundations, is going to be focused on really building you.

You are like a Sun in a Solar System. It is time to regroup what is in it and what is next. The clearer your energy is, the more freedom everything else has to move in and move out.

Here are just a few of the areas we will be exploring and covering:tiger-ir

These are the diving boards to get into and go deep. As at most International Regroupings there will be great and powerful sharings, multitudes of techniques, individual and group healings and of course opportunity for amazing outings around the island. Whether you’re newer to these Regroupings or seasoned, you will feel ‘at home’ and will be opening the door to your own eons of wisdom.


There will be more coming! I am excited to share all the new creativity with you.


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