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Investment Pre-registration for this 3 and half hour Life Shop $65.00 Drop-in Day of $75.00 Space is limited, therefore early enrollment is strongly encouraged. Register here,www.eclecticreikiology.com

Within you is a “Spiritual Alarm System” that tells you when  your energy is being out of alignment. Just like a piano your strings maybe wanting a adjustment! This class is for you. Attend this afternoon class and walk away with spiritual tools for a lifetime!!

In this course you will become aware of 4 distinct alarms that tell you when your energy is being interfered with and how to constructively re-direct your energy for positive results. You are more sensitive than you realize, and much of what you are feeling is not yours. Learn how to discern what’s you and what’s not you. Start living with more joy, bliss, and inner peace in your daily life.

Find clues which will help you know why yo have perhaps no been in touch with your spiritual alarm system as much as you would like to be.

By learning the feelings and messages from your inner alarm system, you can make adjustments before your energy gets “OFF” making life simple,fun, and successful. If you ignore it, you confused, and soon lose touch with your true direction.

In this course you will:

  • Awaken your conscious mind to your spiritual alarm system.
  • Identify how it can work for you….and against you.
  • Be aware of the four symptoms of confusion encroaching on your energy.
  • Learn how to deflect confusion and stay on your solid inner pivot point

As a result of mastering your inner alarm system, you will live from a detached point of view: having gained solutions from this masterclass.

The drama or conflicts of others will no longer bother you, and you will stay directed towards your life purpose, creating more happiness each and evert day. Imagine being able to create positive, loving relationships with others because you have a positive relationship with yourself.


Bring a pen & journal. be open in sharing and claiming your value!!

April Azzolino, has been empowering the individual in leading a extrordinary life. April has been facilitating classes nationwide for 10 years.


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