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Intuition is a powerful thing, more powerful than intellect.

IVPF copyIn this series you will come to unfold a deeper dimension of your spiritual sensitivities. Psychic Gifts. You are living in two worlds at the same time. You perceive the physical world through your sense of touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste. You perceive the spiritual world through these extra-sensory perception gifts of Inner knowing (Prophecy), Inner Vision ( Clairvoyance), Inner-hearing (Clairaudient), and Feeling (Inner-feeling).

You have all four types of these perception within you, but one type will be the most predominate. This perception is you main personality type or the way you communicate within yourself, inner guidance, and with others.

Until recently, only the mystics was thought to have this power of communication with Spirit. It is no longer a phenomena, but the common experience of all people. The word psychic comes from Greek word psyche, which means “Breath of God”. We are all psychic; it is simple a matter of unfolding what we already have. Come join in and develop with others.

In this weekly series you will experience spiritual dynamic techniques for each gift perception.

October 5th, 2016-Week 1– You will experience spiritual dynamic techniques for the Gift of Intuition (clairaudient). You will engage in inter-active exercises with others and share how to use these in your everyday life. You will experience between 4-6 of these, depending on time and people participation. Learn a Song for the Intuitive Gift. $35.00 weekly or Pre-pay for the 4 week series at $120.00, a $20.00 savings. No Refunds on Pre-pays if you miss that week.divider-4

October 12th, 2016-Week 2– You will experience spiritual dynamic techniques for the Gift of Vision (Clairvoyance). You will engage in inter-active techniques with others and share how to use these in your everyday life. You will experience between 4-6 techniques, depending on time and people participation. Learn a Song for the Visionary Gift. $35.00 weekly or Pre-pay for the 4 week series at $120, a $20.00 savings.( No Refunds on Pre-Pay if you miss that week).divider-4

October 19th-Week 3– You will experience spiritual dynamic techniques for the Gift of Prophecy (Inner-Knowing). You will engage in inter-active techniques with others and share how to use these in your everyday life.  You will experience 4-6 techniques, depending on time and people participation. Learn a Song for the Gift of Prophecy. $35.00 weekly or Pre-pay for the 4 week series at 120.00, a $20.00 savings.(No Refunds on Prepays if you miss a week)divider-4

October 26th-2016-Week 4– You will experience spiritual dynamic techniques for the Gift of Feeling (Inner-Feeling). You will engage in inter-active techniques with others and share how to use these in your everyday life. You will experience 4-6 techniques, depending on time and people participation. Please bring a small object to this class. Learn a Song for the Gift of Feeling. $35.00 weekly or Pre-pay for the 4 week series at $120.00, a $20.00 savings.(No refunds on Pre-Pays if you miss a week)


$35.00 weekly or pre-pay $120.00 (please click this link to pre-pay for the full series: Registeration is through Enchanted Forest. http://www.enchantedforestreiki.com/shop/classes/Psychic-Development-4-week-payment-Las-Vegas-Nevada

Please Bring A Journal & Pen to class each week.

april-a3April Azzolino,www.aprilazzolino.com, is a Trance Healer, Spiritual Guidance Coach who travels with Wayshowers College instructing Spiritual Development Workshops & private consultation session.

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