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A modern Guide to Reincarnation, Angels, and Your True Life Purpose. This experiential Technique Workshop delves deeper into Reincarnation and you will experience four techniques that will reveal how sensitive your are to past lifetime experiences.

During our workshop you will unravel mysteries in your life and spiritual connection. You will be challenged to take a fresh look at what you attract in key areas of your life

Do you have unanswered questions regarding

  • your relationships that seem to fall apart and flounder
  • life after death and learning how to release loved ones
  • unpredictable and unusual personality traits of children
  • how to determine your life purpose and the appropriate career choices
  • your ability to sense discarnate souls or departed family members

Learn techniques and unique insights to help you neutralize negativity and trust your hunches. Discover how Reincarnation and Your Life Purpose affects your relationships.

Find answers to troublesome questions There are answers, but it may require you to suspend your current beliefs and evaluate NEW WAYS of understanding life. Reincarnation can help clarify many of life’s unexplained mysteries.

Seminar: Reincarnation In Your Life: Answers & Insights

Good Reasons for attending:

  • What is the Aura and how it helps to block negativity around you. Also discover how your Aura plays a direct role in your personal Law of Attraction. Grasping this one insight will be well worth attending.
  • Spiritual dynamics of relationships and how it impacts you.
  • Learn the true nature of Angels, your Messengers of God. You are never alone. Your angels are always at your side ready to assist. All you need to do is learn how to relax and attune yourself the your higher self.
  • The impact of Past Lifetimes in your current lifetime. This affects your personal, family, and business relationships
  • The 3 Levels of Life After Death. Discover where a person goes when they pass on. You might be surprised! There is a fundamental misunderstanding regarding the after life. A simple but powerful explanation is presented that will help you release loved ones who have transitioned.
  • How the 4 Avenues Of Perception simplifies your ESP and helps you interpret your hunches each day.
  • Learn why you may feel fearful or anxious for no apparent reason.

Techniques you will experience

  • Aura Cleansing – Learn how to rejuvenate your aura and clear your home from negativity.
  • Astro projection into the 5th Dimension. Experience soul travel as you release your physical body and experience being unlimited.
  • Intuitive impressions of past lives. Learn how to trust your hunches as you use your sensitivity to experience past lifetimes.
  • Psychometry – Learn how physical objects of other people affect your aura and energy.

You will be challenged to take a fresh look at what you attract in key areas of your life. You will explore spiritual concepts that affect every relationship you have. You will learn how Spiritual Contracts and Soul Affinities impact the longevity of relationships.

Registration fee for workshop: $55.00

and secure your place. Seating is limited to the first 10 people.

Call if you have any questions: 877-525-6335

About Diana and Roger Ringo

When Diana and Roger were twenty four, they attended a spiritual development workshop that improved their relationship and help establish their careers.

Having just graduated from college, they did not want traditional. intellectual ideas. They were searching for a spiritual based philosophy that matched their inner knowing about life. They wanted a deeper meaning to life that transcended religion and psychology.

Diana and Roger discovered the Astro Soul program of Wayshowers College and it gave them a jump start on life. It educated them on the common ways relationships become sabotaged. They became aware of their life purpose and discovered the unique relationships (called spiritual contracts) they had with their friends, associates, and children. Diana and Roger learned how to neutralize the effects of negative people and was able to release loved ones when they passed on.

Without realizing it, they created a spiritual living lifestyle that attracted to them fulfilling careers, family, friends, and financial stability. They have learned a lot of practical spiritual wisdom and are looking forward to sharing it with you so you can create your own successful spiritual living lifestyle.

Diana and Roger discovered compelling and unique insights that work!

If you are ready to reinvent your life and start living the life you want,
this program is for you.

This program is not for everyone. If you are willing to set aside your pre-conceived ideas, you will learn a NEW APPROACH to life. You will begin the journey of creating a spiritual living lifestyle that is in harmony with your inner self.

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