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Reincarnation, The Evolution of My Soul
SATURDAY, OCT 22—1:15-4:15 PM – Atlanta, GA

reincarnation-evolution-of-the-soulDoes a soul have to suffer? Why does learning sometimes seem difficult? Find your own answers to questions about your soul evolution. Discover how reincarnation relates to your innate talents and abilities.

You will feel your spiritual helpers backing you as you take Astro trips to the source and other lifetimes to learn more about your life purpose.

♦ Realize there is no death and release the fear of the unknown
♦ Understand and experience the reality of reincarnation and your continual process of soul evolution
♦ Learn to heal yourself and also assist souls that have passed on in confusion through advanced healing and cleansing techniques
♦ Expand your connection with the Higher Spirit through deeper and deeper levels and techniques of communication with your team of Master Souls
♦ Come to know true Spiritual Freedom as you Astro Travel to the Source and through the depths of your Universe
♦ Advance in your abilities to be a master of your personal energy and navigating the energies around you.

FEE: $45.00 Register at this link: http://www.decaturhealingarts.com/events.html

Contact Dawn Overstreet – 540-524-0996

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