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The most important relationships we will have include the one with ourselves and the ones we have with our spiritual guidance. This course offers you a direct opportunity to improve and deepen those relationships. Empower yourself by opening new channels of communication with your spiritual helpers through both writing and speaking as a channel for spirits messages.

We have the ability to improve our connection and communication with spirit. We have guides, messengers and angel s that communicate with us all the time. Learn about this communication and the forms it can take as you actually experience simple techniques of channeling and writing with spirit in this class. You will be able to use these practices on your own and in your own timing going forward. You can expect your inner security to be strengthened through a deeper understanding of your particular style and sensitivity. 5 hours at $70

As you will be working very closely with your guides it is essential that you know how many guides you have working with you at this time as well as your sensitivity in areas of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Prophecy and Feeling. This information is provided in an Angel or Orientation Profile provided by Wayshowers College and is a requirement for this course that you can maximize the information. Please contact the event hosts for further information on completing your profile in advance to course day.

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