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It’s time you found answers to life that makes sense to you. Come to our program and unravel the the mysteries that limit your life. Experience our technique workshop and find answers.

  • Do you still have questions regarding Angels, Intuition, and Life Purpose?
  • Have you tried other spiritual approaches and not achieved the results you want?

You will learn four important energy techniques that will help you neutralize negativity. Also you learn how to trust your hunches more. Implementing insights learned will improve your law of attraction.

Spiritual Development Class: Master Your ESP, Angel Communication, & Life Purpose

September 14th, 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Goddess ISIS Books, 2775 South Broadway, Englewood
Cost $55.00

In the program you will delve into:

  • Cutting edge insights into extra sensory perception. How to use it each day. Learn how Psychic Sensitivity, 6th Sense, and ESP are similar.
  • What it means to be Inner Knowing, Visual, Conceptual, and Empathic. This relates to your daily living and how you react. In addition, realize the many ways you are already using your 6th sense.
  • Also, learn 4 techniques to strengthen your aura from negativity.
  • Deeper insights into angels and life after death. Your cycles of life and soul essence are explained.
  • Learn how spiritual contracts are an essential part of your law of attraction.
  • Above all, have a spiritual mentoring approach.

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Diana and Roger Ringo look forward to sharing with you these important insights. They have been invaluable when navigating life and raising children. Now more than ever it is important to be in command of your life. You can learn how to neutralize negativity.

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