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Are you searching for a lifestyle of inner peace that has meaning and purpose? You know something is missing in your life, but you are not sure what it is.

The missing element is a spiritual living lifestyle that creates inner peace. Above all, you will rise above negativity and live your dreams.

Now is the time to establish the foundations you need for an effective spiritual lifestyle. In addition, learn a breakthrough approach that will transform your life. Only by embracing a spiritual lifestyle can you rise above doubt and be more genuine with your feelings.

Do you experience any of these?

  • Life seems overly complicated and difficult.
  • You feel frustrated and are often misunderstood.
  • Negative people in your life creates stress.
  • You have a difficult time fitting in.
  • Your life feels stagnant and uninspired.
  • You have tried other methods for spiritual development and not attained the results you want.
  • You are at a crossroads in your life and need answers that are effective.
  • Inner Peace seems elusive and unattainable.

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You are a non-traditional person trying to make changes in your life with traditional methods. For instance, your parents, church, and school trained you to think in traditional ways. You were taught to live life using outdated ideas that are no longer relevant. After that, you experienced doubt and uncertainty. Your feelings do not match how you have been taught.

Therefore, you need a new approach that is consistent with your inner values.

Diana and Roger Ringo teaches inner peace

Diana and Roger Ringo can help you begin your journey. The first step is to attend our upcoming seminar: Spiritual Foundations for Inner Peace In Your Life

Topics Covered for greater inner peace

  • Common myths in your life. One example is, “Always help others first and don’t be selfish.” Because of this, you tend to leave yourself out.
  • What is Inner Loyalty? Why it is important? Inner loyalty is a strong belief in yourself. It is respecting and appreciating what you know to be true.
  • Your true Life Purpose and why it is important. Life Purpose always comes from the heart and not the head. Roger and Diana can help. 
  • How a Live and Let Live attitude with people is freeing. Above all others, this spiritual foundation is revolutionary. This means you no longer judge other people or try to change them. It is living your life the way you want. It also means respecting other people’s choices. Live and Let Live is the most difficult foundation to live.
  • Create a stronger aura and minimize negativity. Your aura is like a shield that protects you from negativity.
  • Everyone perceives life and communicates in different ways. For instance, there are four Avenues of Perception or Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). Learn the significance of Inner Knowing, Visions, Intuition, and Healing. Be surprised how it helps with your relationships. This is also known as your 6th sense.
  • Dimensions of Life After Death. Answers to where we go at transition. Have a better awareness of deceased loved ones who visit you.
  • The role of Inner Guidance/Angels in your life and ways they want to help you. Above all, the “still small voice within” of your angels are a resource for insights that transcends the logical mind.

It’s time for a new inner peace approach

Spiritual Foundations For A Better Life will help you with a breakthrough approach that will transform your life. Also, you will learn innovative insights that few people know.

Now is the time to establish the foundations you need for a spiritual lifestyle. Only by embracing spiritual living can you rise above doubt and be more genuine with your feelings. Having a spiritual perspective, life will finally make sense.

Do you feel frustrated or stagnant with your life?

Spiritual Foundations for a Better Life is a first step in your transformation journey. It will challenge you to take a renewed evaluation of your current life. Finally, this new approach will seem counter intuitive to how you have been raised.

Above all, you will meet other like-minded people on a similar journey.

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Get to know Diana and Roger Ringo

Roger and Diana Ringo outside

Diana and Roger have been married over 40 years and raised two sons. Additionally, they have a deep understanding of the spiritual basis of relationships between partners and raising a family. Their success can be attributed to the consistent implementation of mindful spirituality in their daily lives.

Diana and Roger offer spiritual development workshops, classes, and private consultations. As a result, these services will give you deeper insights that will help you transcend any negativity. Their purpose is to help you find answers and start an enjoyable, mindful life. There is hope. Learn more about our spiritual development classes at: New Spiritual Horizons website.

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