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Group Work!  Remember your experience with other kindred spirits – the healing, the joy of self- discovery, building new friendships.  These sessions are like no other in the expression of true concern, respect, love and kindness.  People crave and hope for this level of acceptance and connection.

In this course, you will learn all of the hints and tips in facilitating the group experience for a diverse group of searchers. You will experience the roles in group work, how to maintain the flow and timing of a group and purpose of each section in the meeting. This training is an experience in your beginning mastery of guiding people to be the leader of themselves.

This is an 7 hour online training where you will discover the dynamics of facilitating a groupwork experience.

Sunday, October 4th
Begins at 11:00AM Eastern and Wraps-up by 6:00PM Eastern

Investment: $75 for First Time and $50 for Refreshers
Note: Lunch hour provided, small breaks throughout the day and smaller group sessions for regrouping and practice.

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