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Are you questioning what life is all about on planet Earth at this time?
Wondering where you fit and how to navigate your path?
What decisions are best and how you and others can find fulfillment in this changing world?

You are Energy with innate wisdom and psychic sensitivity.

Come experience an interactive presentation on the Big Picture of life (without dogma). This 90 minute session will focus on:

  • discerning energy,
  • harnessing your inner power and direction,
  • trusting your sensitivity, and
  • discovering your unique life purpose.

Learn about personal resources available and next steps you can take, if you choose. Trust Your Intuition Seminar is an important new approach to a contemporary lifestyle. It will help propel you to new personal breakthroughs.

In this seminar you will learn:

  • How spiritual contracts are an essential part of your law of attraction. This one topic helps to better understand your relationships and children.
  • Important insights into Ascended Masters, Life After Death, Cycles of Life, and Soul Essence will complement your learning. Discover the true purpose of your Angels.
  • Ways Psychic Sensitivity, 6th Sense, and Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) are similar. Also learn how they are a part of your daily life without realizing it.
  • Start experiencing glimpses of your unique Life Purpose. Your Life Purpose becomes an inner reference in making difficult decisions.

By the end of this seminar you will create a profound sense of inner peace as THE REAL YOU blossoms. ALSO, you will meet other like minded people in your community.


Get to know the presenters

Jo C Soingier and Dorinda Fox offer spiritual development workshops, classes, and private consultations. As a result, these services will give you deeper insights that will help you transcend any negativity. Their purpose is to help you find answers and start an enjoyable, mindful life. There is hope. Learn more about our spiritual development classes at: New Spiritual Horizons website.

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