Mastering Your Changing World – The Real You is NOT Shut Down!

On-line Class

  6 Free Talks:  August 4th, 5th, or 6th Time: 1:00 or 7:00 pm Central Duration: 1:00 hour     Join us for a Free Online Class August 4th, 5th, or 6th and find solutions for successful living. Be a part of an online spiritual community that is making a difference. Are you ready to let [...]

Free Online Class: Mastering My Changing World

Online or by Phone

Mastering My Changing World – The Real You is not shut down! Join us for a Free Online Class August 4th, 5th, or 6th and find solutions for successful living. Be a part of an online spiritual community that is making a difference. Are you ready to let go of worry, fear, and the stress of [...]

Free Online Class: Mastering My Changing World

Online or by Phone

Mastering My Changing World – The Real You is not shut down! Join us for a Free Online Class August 4th, 5th, or 6th and find solutions for successful living. Be a part of an online spiritual community that is making a difference. Are you ready to let go of worry, fear, and the stress of [...]

Free Online Class: Mastering My Changing World

Online or by Phone

Mastering My Changing World – The Real You is not shut down! Join us for a Free Online Class August 4th, 5th, or 6th and find solutions for successful living. Be a part of an online spiritual community that is making a difference. Are you ready to let go of worry, fear, and the stress of [...]

Intuition, Spirit Guides, & Life Purpose


  Intuition, Spirit Guides & Life Purpose During a time of disturbing news and chaos, it is exciting to learn about yourself. Have you wondered, “Is this all there is to life?” Well, no, there is more, a lot more. Join April Azzolino with Kristina Coll and Teresa Shantz International Spiritual Educators with New Spiritual Horizons [...]


Online 6 Times: Intuition, Spirit Guides and Life Purpose: Inner Peace Mastery Class

On-line Class

During a time of disturbing news and chaos, it is exciting to learn about yourself. Have you wondered, “Is this all there is to life?” Well, no, there is more, a lot more. New Spiritual Horizons is pioneering a new method of spiritual development that is gathering interest everywhere. Join us and lighten your spirit as [...]


#691 Trust: A Way of Life

The clamoring of requests for online seminary courses has been heard and we are responding.  We will be holding a series of online courses offered monthly.  The first course is Trust: A Way of Life – which is course #691. Key Facts: Who – PCCI International and Wayshowers College are Offering What – Online Course – [...]


Discovering Your New Spiritual Horizons – Online Class

Online or by Phone

Are you at a crossroads in your life and have a difficult time making decisions? Have you tried other methods and not attained the results you want? You probably need a mindful spiritual approach with fresh insights that work. Discovering Your New Spiritual Horizons Online Technique Workshop is an important new approach to a contemporary lifestyle. [...]


Love: My True Reality

Zoom Meetings Online Format, United States

See, Feel, Know and Understand your vibration of love and connect with each other in a virtual space to experience this course about your true reality. Within each of use is a universe in of itself, learn to focus and direct your energy towards self love, community and your true feelings. Spiritual Keys expressed by this [...]


How to Present New Spiritual Horizons

Zoom Meetings Online Format, United States

The symbols of life that began a spiritual revolution!  Learn how to help people understand and experience the meaning of their lives in the universe and on planet earth.  This 1 ½ hour road map gives them the big picture of the amazing 24/7 resources they have in guidance and the four perceptions. They learn how [...]