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Kristina Coll

Home Osceola IA USA
Photo of Kristina Coll


Passion. Purpose. Possibilities. Freedom. Action. Honesty. The drivers in my front seat.

Growing up my passion laid between the lines of everyone else’s happiness ahead of my own. I loved being a part of others happiness; however, at a very VERY high personal cost. It took me decades of a journey to REALLY find meaning as to where this behavior truly stemmed from. I LOVE being a catalyst to others success and happiness and now I truly know WHY!

I was brought to my knees in humble surrender, I had JUST turned 32. Crying my eyes out in Childs Pose on my yoga mat. READY! READY to feel it ALL! READY for the liberating feeling of DEEP RELEASE (know to the yogis as ‘healing medicine’). I began yoga teacher training September 2013 which thrusted me into some serious healing and evolving of my soul….The journey only got much, much more interesting….

As An entrepreneur Woman and Homeschooling 2 children, I now strive gracefully to empower others in their own deep transformations to BELIEVE in their possibilities. My passion, as I understand it, is to ‘BE’ my light and bring the light that you are meant to be~ TO THE LIGHT! I facilitate in guiding you HOME; that special place deep within where there is personal awareness to truth, to forgive, to accept, to love and to grow. I help you to learn to buffer your energy and to consciously recognize your innate intuitive gifts. My true concern and ability to see what is not visible to others, helps in embracing ‘Loyalty to Self’ FIRST and living in a state of ‘Possibilities’.

I will LOVE the opportunity to go on a journey with you!

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