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Patrick Kilhenny

Home West Palm Beach FL
Photo of Patrick Kilhenny


Patrick Kilhenny is the co-founder of Angels, Intuition and Purpose Programs (AIP) and Spiritual Growth

He is a former nuclear engineer who learned to fine tune his intuitive skills and have conscious communication with his inner guidance or angels.

With a long time interest in science, he was practical and very skeptical about directly communicating with guides or angels.

Fortunately he was somewhat open and willing to try the inner communication and self-clearing techniques. He realized how easy it was to “pick up” thoughts and feelings from the environment and other people. He also learned to buffer himself from the outer pressure and stay more connected with his clear inner being and inner guidance.

Patrick discovered how helpful this was. This inner connection has been a key to truly living the life that he feels he is here to lead.

Working closely with his inner guidance has been an adventure. This includes his marriage which he felt was helped greatly by the angels as well as his relationships, starting within himself and others.

Patrick also found great backing from the angels in the successful businesses he has had. “It was wonderful to work with angels in all the challenges that came up in having a business. My spiritual guides helped me keep a bigger picture of what was really going on and what was best to be doing.”

He says: “It’s an amazing feeling to be able to communicate regularly with my angels and directly receive their help. This makes life more enjoyable and fulfilling. Over the years it has been rewarding to share the understanding and techniques and see it help so many.”

Patrick Kilhenny has lectured internationally for over 25 years on angel communication, living one’s purpose and related topics. He has shared his message through major media outlets in the US, Canada and Europe.

Patrick often says: “Anyone who wants can have a clear, two-way communication with their inner guidance or angels and lead the life they are here to experience.”

He often holds programs with his partner, Estelle Small. When they are not traveling, they live in South Florida.

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