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Paul Kellogg

Home Des Moines IA USA
Photo of Paul Kellogg


Dr. Paul Kellogg is internationally acclaimed as a practical intuitive. He shares a common sense, demystifying approach to the psychic and spiritual forces of our lives. To Paul, “these untapped, under-utilized natural sensitivities are the most powerful tools we can incorporate into our personal growth, our relationships, our business and community affairs. Yet most people know very little about making these gifts useful as a daily habit.”
During his career of 49 years, Paul has appeared on hundreds of radio and television talk shows and been interviewed by newspapers across the globe. He shares personal experiences that “I don’t just have psychic gifts, I am a psychic being and so is everyone!” The focus of his lectures and interactive workshops is to help the public unfold and harness the prophetic, visionary, intuitive and feeling perceptions we all possess from before birth.

Around the World
Paul has conducted workshops on using practical intuition in leadership, team-building and management communication across North America for innumerable companies including the American Red Cross, National Council on Aging, EDHOC, Jaffe Law, and the St. Louis Public Schools. He has consulted with people at his international seminars in Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland and England.
Kellogg speaks to the simplicity and reality of life after death, the help we have from master souls, the cycles of life and one’s unique life purpose. His seminars have helped thousands to not just talk about these mystical ideas, but to live them as personal tools and techniques – as assets to improve the quality of our lives and the lives of those we care about.

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