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Susan Kellogg

Home Des Moines IA
Photo of Susan Kellogg


Susan Kellogg has been teaching people how to work with their natural E.S.P. and their inner guidance for over 30 years. An international educator and consultant, she helps people to tap their inner wisdom and find answers to the important questions of life: why am I here, where have I come from, where am I going?

“As a child, I was very sensitive, seeing auras, angels, and other energies. A creative spirit, I found public schooling challenging and was often ill. My health seemed to improve, the more positive and relaxed her environment. The arts offered me opportunities to continue to express that creativity, as well as inspire the positive side of my psychic sensitivity, where seeing an aura, hearing an intuitive message, following a strong feeling ‘hunch’, or having a prophetic dream could be helpful and empowering.

“Like music, the language of ‘intuitive feelings’ is universal,” says Susan. “Positive soul-to-soul communication uplifts and unifies people from every walk of life. That is like healing music to me.”

As a teenager, Susan began a quest to learn how to be in command of her psychic sensitivity in any environment, and to connect with that higher source of inspiration on a 24/7 basis. “I was introduced to the spiritual programs in 1974 and have used the simple principles and techniques to help me to have the quality of life I had always dreamed of.”

Susan was inspired by her father, who as a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra became one of the first ‘musical diplomats,’ sharing music in countries behind the Iron Curtain in the ‘60s and ‘70s. With her husband and partner, Paul, she raised a family of five children to use their unique ‘soul’ talents and inner communication in their relationships, schooling, work and community service.

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