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Tom Shantz

Home Winterset IA
Photo of Tom Shantz


You are unlimited energy, a soul with a purpose and a thrust, here to learn and grow. You have inner guidance, Spiritual Helpers, to back you in your thrust. You are free. You are a soul with a body, not a body with a soul.

Everything is energy. You may not realize how creative you are. Or, how spiritually sensitive you are to other vibrations; the thoughts and feelings of others, near and far. You are what you think. Positive and loving thoughts inspire and attract positive things. Negative thoughts can derail you from your true purpose and fully enjoying life.

As you re-discover the real you, you as energy, a soul in a body, you re-awaken more of what’s available to work with in your venture. You have natural “psychic” gifts or perceptions. You trust more your inner knowings, dreams, intuition, and gut feelings. You become “your own best guru” for a loving, fulfilling, and successful life. You are clear about your mission. You are in the right place at the right time.

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